Concert of the Zagreb Flute Ensemble

On Sunday, 28 June 2015, at noon the concert of the Zagreb Flute Ensemble will take place in the Oris House of Architecture.
The Zagreb Flute Ensemble is the only such ensemble in Croatia. It was founded in 2012. This unique ensemble gathers together experienced musicians, young artists and flute students and thus provides the young with the opportunity to acquire valuable concert experience and widen their own repertoire with the full support of their experienced colleagues.
After the two concert seasons of the cycle Three seasons at the hall of the Matis absolute lounge, the ensemble has held a great number of concerts, in the country and abroad, and have received excellent critiques. They cooperate with the Zagreb Concert Management, Faculty of Textile Technology and the Academy of Dramatic Art, which provides the works they perform with a completely new dimension, emphasizes their character and, in the synergy of related arts, help them create a new artistic expression.
Their new cooperation with Oris is on the similar path; that of creative combination and permeation of different aesthetics and types of art.
On Sunday, 28 June 2015, at noon, the first concert of the Zagreb Flute Ensemble will take place in the Oris House of Architecture . The topic of the concert is migrations – Croatian composers who have studied, worked or lived abroad for years. Director Marina Pejnović developed the concept which aims to strongly emphasize the topic of the concert. On the one hand, emigration of artists can be experienced negatively. On the other hand, life in migration evokes memory of the homeland which is expressed in their music, just like the new experiences they acquired in the new environment. The programme includes the works of Matko Brekalo, Đorđe Marković, Lana Janjanin, Sanja Drakulić and Luciano Solovera.