Exhibition Facts and Figures by de Architekten Cie. / 17-12 - 16-1
The exhibition is extended until 16 January 2016.
The opening of the exhibition Facts and Figures by de Architekten Cie. and the accompanying talk between de Architekten Cie and Bevk Perović architects will be held on Thursday, 17th of December in Oris House of Architecture.
A special feature of this exhibition lies in the fact that it is presenting one project, an office building, in all its stages from conception to realization. The exhibition will show the first sketch made for the competition, but also designs from the construction site, working models, drawings, details, video displaying stages of construction and other important parts of the evolution of the building before its final commercial use. The exhibition will provide an insight into a complex creation process of one building, which often remains in the shadow of a finished structure.
A conversation between de Architekten Cie. and Bevk Perović moderated by Tadej Glažar will be conducted during the opening. De Architekten Cie. and Bevk Perović are two successful studios that were founded at the same time, but whose practices have been developing in two distinct contexts.
On a prominent location in Rotterdam, at the Weena opposite the new Central Station, the office building First arises bordering the Central Business District as well as the 19th century residential neighborhoods of the Old West, communicating with the architecture of post-war Groothandelsgebouw building. The rectangular base block and a tower of 130 metres comprise not only offices, but also public functions, such as a restaurant and an art gallery as well as the city garden. The project is designed entirety according to the latest available sustainability insights and techniques, important issues in contemporary architecture.
de Architekten Cie. Branimir Medić (born in 1961) and Pero Puljiz (born in 1962) graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zagreb in 1987. Continued their studies at the Berlage Institute in Amsterdam, where they received their master’s degrees in architecture in 1992. Won the Prix de Rome in 1995 and established the architectural office Medić + Puljiz. Both became partners in de Architekten Cie. in Amsterdam in 1998, after many years of cooperation between the two offices. Have won a number of 1st prizes at international competitions, like the new Cultural and Administrative Centre in Montreal, 2003; the Romanian Government building extension in Bucharest, 2007; Museum of Urbanism in Quixing province, Tianjin, 2008; The Dadong Centre for Culture in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Cie. branch office in Croatia was established in Zagreb in 2004. The Radisson Hotel in Orašac near Dubrovnik and Bundek Center were their first realized projects in Croatia.
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