Getting Things Done: Evolution of the Built Environment in Vorarlberg



The opening of the exhibition Getting Things Done: Evolution of the Built Environment in Vorarlberg. will be held in the Oris House of Architecture on September 5th 2015, at 12 p.m.
As a part of the exhibition, on September 4th 2015 at 6 p.m. at the Faculty of Architecture, Mr Wofgang Fiel, author of the exhibition, will hold a lecture about the Vorarlberg architecture.

The exhibition Getting things done: Evolution of built environment in Vorarlberg was developed for the specific purpose of presenting “architecture from Vorarlberg” to a decidedly international audience in the form of a touring show travelling to the venues of the thirty-two Austrian Cultural Forums located around the world.

With a total of more than 230 projects and around 700 photographic illustrations, the exhibition does offer a comprehensive overview of a movement with its origins in the late 1950s and early 1960s that has been labelled the Vorarlberger Bauschule (Vorarlberg School of Building).

The exhibition is brought to Zagreb in cooperation with Austrijski kulturni forum.

Curator and project leader: Wolfgang Fiel
Curatorial research and interviews: Wolfgang Fiel and Denizhan Sezer
Project partners: Werkraum Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg Museum, vai – Vorarlberg Architecture Institute, Vorarlberg Tourismus
Concept and design development of exhibition display: Martin Bereuter and Wolfgang Fiel
Visual grammar and design of exhibition and magazine: Clemens Theobert Schedler, Büro für konkrete Gestaltung
Project communication and drawings: Thomas Hindelang
Video and audio recording, set photography, and photo essay: Gerhard Klocker
Website design and programming: Erich Bendl and Thomas Bendl,
Institutional resources and support: Az W, Architekturzentrum Wien, Sammlung, vai, Vorarlberg Architecture Institute, Vorarlberg State Library

The project has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration, and Foreign Affairs and the State of Vorarlberg.