Radical Architecture

written by Maroje Mrduljaš

photo Tomislav Medak

Because the architect has a more intimate knowledge than others of the city’s physical structures and their processes of coming into the being, it falls to the architect to act in the void left by the disruption or collapse of institutional authority. The architect of the city’s reconstruction initiates new building projects by putting proposals before the others in the city. Out of the dialogue and public debate provoked by them will come reconstructions that serve the public’s interests and those of the architect as well

Lebbeus Woods[1]


Judging by the numerous media reports, but also by the events on the streets of Zagreb, the city and architecture are becoming important topics, inevitably reflecting the profound social changes in politics and in the role of architects. In this turbulent context, attention is mostly directed towards prominent construction interventions.

[1]              Lebbeus Woods, Radical Reconstructions, Princeton Architectural Press, 1997, p. 28