The book by Ana Šverko called Grad (ni)je kuća. O dijalogu između novog i starog Splita / urbanistička predigra will be presented on Thursday 19 January at 19 pm in Oris House of Architecture, Zagreb. The book will be discussed by Karin Šerman, Joško Belamarić, Marijan Hržić, Tomislav Premerl, Ivan Rogić, Mislav Kuzmanić and the author Ana šverko.
It is difficult to imagine another place that would enable us to naturally and easily connect the considerations of numerous important theoreticians, from the establishing of the discipline of urban planning in the middle of the last century until today, as well as the contemporary tendencies such as adaptations and recycling, and to establish a suggestive parallel in between the biological and urban evolution, in a way that Split and the Diocletian’s palace have enabled us.
The survival of our urbanized world is reflected in the balance of fixed places and buildings – monuments, and the changeable ones that tend to grow and transform themselves, and it is precisely with their changes that follow the overall urban dynamics that they infuse the monuments with life.
From the book