27-4-2016 at 8 p.m. /// Oris House of Architecture
Lecture by Miloš Kosec
On Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 8 pm Miloš Kosec will hold the fourth in a series of six lectures in Oris House of Architecture as part of the Future Architecture Platform, titled Ruincarnations.
The post-industrial age rediscovered fascination with ruins: from shabby chic to ruin-porn, the imprint of decay on repetitive standardized production serves as a trigger of commodification. On the other hand, deindustrialization process has emptied vast urban areas and can be considered as perhaps the greatest producer of ruins of all times. The lecture critically examines architectural manifestations of contemporary ruin-lust. What do ruins tell us about possibilities to re-examine architectural planning? And: is there an emancipatory core in the fascination with ruins and decay that is worth saving?