On the occasion of the departure of Ambassador of Chile to Croatia, H. E. Mr Juan Luis Nilo Valledor, we would like to thank him for a long and successful cooperation with the Oris House of Architecture and Oris magazine and his continuous support in the promotion of international architecture and Chilean authors. Owing to the support of the Embassy of Chile in Zagreb, we have realised exhibitions and visits of distinguished Chilean experts and architects, such as Smiljan Radić, Umberto Bonomo, Mathias Klotz, as well as offices Pezo von Ellrichshausen and Beals Lyon and artist Francisca Benedetti. We would like to congratulate Ambassador Nilo Valledor on being awarded with the Order of Duke Branimir by the President of Croatia for his exceptional contribution in the promotion of the international position and reputation of the Republic of Croatia and wish him all the best in the future.