Book promotion: 20th Century Architecture in Varaždin


We are pleased to invite you to the promotion of the book 20th Century Architecture in Varaždin by Radna skupina Varaždin, which will be held on Thursday, 18 April at 7 p.m. in the Oris House of Architecture (Kralja Držislava 3).
The Working Group Varaždin (RSV) was founded by the Varaždin Society of Architects in February 2017 for the purpose of exploring, mapping and popularization of the 20th-century architecture. Since its formation, most important tasks of the Group have involved the collaboration with the local government and institutions and education of citizens about the values of modern architecture, both in the world and in Varaždin.
RSV is a pioneer project since almost all research interest in the town's architecture has been focused on the historic centre. Architecture of the 20th century in Varaždin is one of the first publications exploring this topic. A large number of built-up areas and sites in Varaždin were built in the 20th century – the city and its population grew more than ever before. Only this fact is sufficient to evaluate the period of modernization processes in one of the most important periods of the history of the town of Varaždin, equally significant as the period of the Ottoman conquest / Renaissance and the 18th century, when Varaždin was the capital of Croatia.
RSV members are young architects – volunteers, who explore archives and sources and then present their findings in the media and on social networks, organize public events, etc. Their target audience are the citizens and members of the local government, who should recognize, accept, and care about the value of architecture in order to preserve it. The texts published in the book are a result, but not the end of the research of some of the most important buildings and sites in Varaždin.