Established in 1982 by the architect Philippe Rotthier, this triennial prize rewards works of collective and cultural value with regional roots and using natural and sustainable materials that draw on the genius of the European town and a dialogue with the past and with history.
The 2020 Philippe Rotthier European Prize will reward architecture, projects and urban developments that, true to the wishes of its founder, are sensitive to and inspired by the spirit of the place and that contribute to respect for the planet. The Prize will reward works produced during the last five years.
The jury will be particularly attentive to works that:
- Are locally based and are not interchangeable
- Seek to integrate rural and urban contexts and to avoid dislocation and provocation
- Make maximum possible use of natural materials and traditional and ecological methods
- Take into account local practices and customs
- Generate public spaces recognisable by all (streets, paths, avenues, squares, etc.)
- Favour a mixity of activities and limited mechanical circulation
- Reject social segregation in favour of mixed use buildings in which social housing is imperceptibly integrated
- Use land economically and the countryside sparingly
More information: www.rotthierprize.be/index.php/en/application