In an totally new international context, the young architects, engineers, designers -students and professionals- are invited to design the habitats and lifestyles for tomorrow and to bring out their passion and audacity as well as their own vision of these new worlds that are opening up. Confining will have a very specific meaning this year in the expected architecture projects.
The contest is dedicated to those who wish to submit innovative biomimetic architecture projects related to the Oceans, to Space or to the Coastlines. They are deeply committed to a sustainable and resilient future. They are acutely aware of the major climate changes. Their imagination on the evolution of the lifestyles in our societies is overflowing and they wish to build in a different way respecting biodiversity and for the common good of all.
Message from Jacques Rougerie
The current international crisis reminds us firmly that today, more than ever, we have to meet the major social and environmental challenges of the planet. This is a convincing signal: we must change our model and act for building a sustainable and resilient future. We must think in a different way, we must dare and stay determinated to design the frameworks and lifestyles of tomorrow, relying on the richness and intelligence of nature and by creating links between science and arts.
The 10th edition of our International Architecture Competition is opening today in an unexpected context. I invite you to share the information widely. Register and bring out your best, participating in an extraordinary contest. Build up multidisciplinary teams. Go on working together to imagine a desirable future.
We will award the Prizes of the contest on December 9, 2020 at the Institut de France in Paris.
Jacques Rougerie
Architect, member of the Institut
Call for project:
In 2020, the international Architecture Competition by Jacques Rougerie Foundation celebrates its 10th edition inviting you to imagine bold, visionary projects, meeting the great challenges of humanity. Human beings must be the central part of your project. It will be based on bio-mimicry, an endless source of inspiration. Nature has ever designed and manufactured the most beautiful shapes, the most elegant curves and produced the most reliable materials. Your work, carried out in multidisciplinarity will be all the more appreciated.
Try to win one of the 3 Grand Prix and 3 Focus Awards
Innovation and Architecture for the Sea
Grand Prix : 7500€
Focus Award : "The Underwater Village" - 2500€
Innovation and Architecture for Space
Grand Prix - 7500€
Focus Award "The Lunar Village" - 2500€
Innovation and Architecture related to Seal Level Rise
Grand Prix : 7500€
Focus Award : "The African Coasline" - 2500€
Apply until September 30, 2020, and visit the new website of the foundation:
Architects, designers, engineers, design cutting-edge habitats and lifestyles of tomorrow, value the ressources provided by the sea and space, respecting them!
From the beginning, more than 8,000 candidates from 135 countries have participated in the contest.
A word by the Foundation “Today more than ever, we have to imagine new kinds of habitats. New inventive and affordable habitats must be created for the 10 billion human beings who will live on earth in 2050 and among who 75% will live near the sea shores and will be particularly concerned with the challenges of the sea level rise. In addition, prospective work on living in space has never been so ambitious. We must act to protect the future of humanity."
Jacques Rougerie Foundation
Founded in 2009, housed by the Institut de France, the Jacques Rougerie Foundation Space and Sea Generation aims to support architectural, educational, cultural and artistic projects. Its ambition is to encourage the creativity and passion of young architects, engineers and designers, to promote the development of particularly innovative, bold and promising biomimetic projects for our future lifestyle, linked to the littoral, marine, submarine and space worlds in order to meet the current challenges of reconciling man and nature, in a sustainable way.