Exhibition: Bruno Milić

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018, at 8 p.m. at the Oris House of Architecture (Kralja Držislava 3) opens the exhibition of the works of architect Bruno Milić titled Revealing the artist, remembering the architect.
Architect Bruno Milić was born in Rijeka in 1917. He graduated from the Department of Architecture of the Zagreb Faculty of Technology in 1942, attended the postgraduate programme at the Town and Regional Planning Institute of the University Paris-Sorbonne and obtained his PhD in Zagreb in 1980.
He was one of the most distinguished and prominent professors of the Zagreb Faculty of Architecture, where he worked as the Head of the Department of Urban Planning, the Dean and was awarded the title of professor emeritus. He founded the postgraduate programme of urban planning and built heritage, where he taught, and he also participated in other similar postgraduate programmes.
During his 40-year long career at the Faculty, Professor Milić was also actively involved in design and urban planning, which resulted with numerous capital projects and realisations, such as competitions and plans for the restoration of the old town of Zadar, competitions and plans for Novi Zagreb and Trnje neighbourhood; restitution study for Maksimir neighbourhood; studies of the university facilities in Šalata neighbourhood; plans for different locations on the Adriatic Coast, etc.
He made a major contribution as a professor at the Zagreb Faculty of Architecture and edited and published numerous books that focus on the history of urban planning in a very complex and elaborate manner.
Professor Milić won many awards – Viktor Kovačić and Vladimir Nazor life achievement awards, award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts for an outstanding contribution to science and the Neven Šegvić award for his scientific, research and publishing work in the field of architecture.
Bruno Milić was an artist, architect-designer, and an engineer whose activity was as complex as architecture itself.
This exhibition aims to present his works that reveal the artistic component of an architectural profession, as complex as it is, and glimpses of visionary aspirations in his less known plans and studies. It is not only focused on the profession and work of an individual, but on architecture as a calling and mission, something that defines the man in his fullness.
- Dražen Arbutina, from the introduction to Revealing the artist, remembering the architect
The exhibition includes a book that focuses on the previously unexplored part of Bruno Milić’s architectural oeuvre; his art works, personal reviews and recollections of Professor Milić as an educator, artist, intellectual…