Bijenale u Veneciji: popratna izložba Grafting Architecture



Usporedni događaj 14. međunarodne arhitektonske izložbe –Bijenale u Veneciji 2014.

Dio 14. međunarodne arhitektonske izložbe –Bijenale u Veneciji 2014., izložba Arquitectures Empeltades/Grafting Architecture , odvija se na lokaciji Cantieri Navali, od 7. lipnja do 23. studenog 2014.

Projekt, odabran na natječaju kojeg je održao Institut Ramon Llull (IRL), bavi se pitanjem promjena koje se odvijaju u katalonskoj arhitekturi uspoređujući proces nacjepljivanja - graftinga s procesima preklapanja nove i postojeće arhitekture. Kao početnu točku istraživanja uzimaju restauraciju Case Bofarull (1913-1933), jedno od glavnih djela Josepa Marie Jujola (1879-1949).

Grafting is a process that involves inserting part of a tree with one or more buds into the branch or trunk of another tree such that a permanent union is established between the two, in the same way as the viticulturist who grafts a scion from the desired grape variety onto the rootstock and where the subsequent grape quality and the excellence of the resulting wine stem from correct union between scion and rootstock. In architecture we can identify a number of processes that bear a great similarity to this botanical process.

Preexisting structures, physical or otherwise, are grafted with the new proposal, generating a building that brings together and harmoniously fuses the characteristics of what already exists and what is new. We can find this grafted architecture across the centuries in a great many examples. However it is in the last quarter of the 20th century and the early 21st century where we find a great number of projects in Catalan architecture in which proposals of different types and scales achieve brilliant results.

Grafting transmits the idea of a new organism that combines the strong points of its original components and is more vigorous than either of them on their own, an idea of renewal and growth. Grafting Architecture speaks of a contemporary attitude shared over time by many projects and many architects wherein each building is understood from within itself, through its uniqueness, and noticeably enriches the place where it is located.
(Iz kataloga izložbe)

Kurator izložbe: Josep Torrents i Alegre
Pomoćni kuratori: Guillem Carabí Bescós, Jordi Ribas Boldú
Organizacija: Institut Ramon Llull
Izvršna produkcija: Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)
Koordinacija: Carlota Gómez
Koordinacija kataloga: Aina Mercader
Grafički dizajn izložbe i kataloga: Bildi Grafiks
Prijevod: Tiffany Carter
Sudjelovali: Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC)
Sponzor: Lamp
Uz podršku: Ajuntament d’Artesa de Segre, Ajuntament de Ripoll, Ajuntament de Els Pallaresos, Arxiu Jujol, Casa Bofarull, Grisart - Escola Superior de Fotografia, IES La Llauna

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